Month: June 2010

Photos from Georgia and Florida

There just does not seem to be enough hours in the day to get to all the writing I need done and still have time to fish and get in my family time. I was recently signed to take over, or should I say re take over the Kayak Korner column in Pacific Coast Sportfishing magazine. This is a column I wrote for a few years, which was dropped by the magazine due to lack of supporting advertising, then started again several months later with a new writer. Well I guess that didn’t work out so they asked me to take it back again. Because when this was presented to me, it was already behind deadline, I have in the past two months had to play catchup, writing four columns and one feature article. That may not sound like much but I have been on the road quite a bit, and in all honesty I am not the fastest writer in the world. I am way to easily distracted by things like fish reports, Ocean view web cams and fishing videos, throw Face Book in there and it is surprising I get anything done. Much of my other time is spent working on tip segments for the show and in the constant search for show sponsors and all that entails.
OK so there is my list of excuses for not blogging as often as I would like to. I know I am behind on the blog as I have not even given a report of our trip to Georgia and Florida yet. So in order it get somewhat caught up I am just going to do a photo report with captions and some comments to get you at least a little caught up on things. I will follow up with a report from our trip to Mazatlan soon, I hope.

Private Islands of Georgia "Eagle Island Lodge"

Our Cabin on Eagle Island, this place was first class.

We ate like kings, Having some Oysters here. Some raw, some cooked, many washed down but cold beverages.

Did I mention we ate well, how about some crab and shrimp

Maybe a few more Oysters

If it had only stayed this glassy all day.

Our Georgia friend Randy Vining

Yes we did actually fish, and I got to cruise around in the Torque

We even caught a few fish

After several days on Eagle Island we moved to a mother ship to hit some areas that most kayakers could not reach. The Captain Gabby, a converted shrimp boat was our home for the next three days.

Meeting Patrick the captain of The Gabby

Laoding our kayaks on the Gabby

loading made simple

My biggest Red from the trip

Show producer Ken Whiting pulling on a very big RAy

Ken with a small shark

Another Red for me

Another shark for Ken

Videographer extraordinaire Will Richardson, with the rest of us waiting for his direction

Our last morning in Georgia

After we left Georgia we headed to Jacksonville Florida for the JAX kayak fishing tournament. This was a great event with over 400 kayak anglers gathered in the name of charity. IT was another windy day but still an great event. I tied for 9th in the flounder division, not bad but I was beaten by a nine year old girl.

AT my SWANKY hotel in Jacksonville

I guess I have no photos of my fish but this is where I caught it

Hanging at the awards ceremony with our good friend Jeff Herman

Yeah that little girl standing on the table beat me.

I just don’t have many photos from the event but a great time was had, and we have lots of good video from it.

Next Blog will cover out trip to Lake Mateos, El Salto and coastal Mazatlan.

You can also stay up to date on what we are up to on our FaceBook page

Big Tuna from my kayak in Panama

I have so much blogging to catch up on, still need to get up the photos and reports from our trips to Georgia, Florida and Mazatlan. On the road so much just not enough time to get everything I need done, but I will get on it ASAP.
In the mean time I hope you enjoy this video of my catch of a 120 pound yellowfin Tuna while kayak fishing in Panama. This was the toughest fight I have ever had from my kayak.